Conference a Success!

Valuing Nature was the third national conference for the stewardship and conservation community of Canada. Approximately 400 delegates gathered
in Corner Brook NL to talk, listen, exchange ideas, renew old acquaintances, advance Canada’s Stewardship Agenda, and to have fun. In addition almost 200 people joined in via live webcasts. Click here to view a slideshow of the youth day activities. (4.30 MB)
To view the Valuing Nature conference
program booklet, click here. (1.03 MB)

Conference Declaration

See conference proceedings for conference declaration and related documents.

The conference culminated with a draft declaration which identifies proposed
key outcomes for delivery by 2009. This
draft declaration was developed based on the Theme Papers, Sectoral Presentations, Speakers Corner, the discussions generated by
the presentations and direct input from delegates.

Conference Proceedings (Click Here)


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Special thanks to Sir Wilfred Grenfell College for
hosting the Valuing Nature 2006 website.

The Leading Edge Legacy
Iron Ore Company of Canada
Canadian Model
Forest Network